2023 was the year I finally stopped hoping. It paid off big time.

Flipping the switch from passive to active made all the difference.

Oje Ojeaga
2 min readDec 31, 2023

I cheekily ended 2022 with a post on my Instagram that said “No resolutions next year. It is the situation’s turn to improve.”

Hilarious, but I meant it.

There was no plan to work harder, spend more time with family or eat healthier. These were things I was already doing and simply needed to find consistency; there was no call for any dramatic recommitment at the end of the year.

What I DID need to do was to stop hoping.

Oh I don’t mean in an “abandon all hope” kind of way. I mean in the “Stop hoping things will work out and start making them work out” kind of way.

2023 was the year I started working to get the things I wanted instead of waiting to see if they would come to me. I’m talking about where being told ‘No’ was the start of the conversation, not the end. This wasn’t the year of patience and it wasn’t the year of politely waiting at the back for the buck to come to me. It was the year of doing, regardless of outcome.

I spoke with certainty when I was unsure, I made plans when I had nothing and I pushed myself to find a place outside of my comfort zone. It was tough and some days I felt like a lunatic, but in the end it paid off.

You know how they say luck is preparation meeting opportunity? Well opportunity rarely meets you at home. You have to get up and go out, looking for it.

My plan for 2024? To go bigger. To have more ridiculous goals, make more audacious plans and keep telling the universe what I want — while working towards it.

Here’s wishing YOU the strength to go get all the things you want in 2024 — without permission from anyone. 🙂

Happy New Year, guys.



Oje Ojeaga

Founder and CEO of Up In The Sky NG/UK. Reluctant writer. Enthusiastic creative.