The Sneaky Signs You’re Getting Older (and Why It’s Actually a Good Thing)
Pass me my walking stick, young lad
Ever heard that analogy about how we breathe automatically, but the moment someone points it out, you become hyper-aware of it? (Like you probably are right now. 😏)
Getting older is a lot like that. The years sneak up on you, and suddenly, you’re noticing things you never did before. Here are a few of the “getting older” signs I’ve picked up on:
- Your priorities do a 180. Remember when life was all about chasing that bag, dreaming of financial domination and a gold BMW? Yeah, that was your 20s and 30s talking. In your 40s, you realize that enjoying that Beemer requires being a healthy, functional human. Suddenly, wealth isn’t about a fancy apartment with a killer staircase; it’s about being able to run up those stairs without having a heart attack.
2. Life throws you curveballs (and you learn to catch them). Life laughs at your meticulously laid plans. Careers take unexpected turns, and you find yourself in places you never imagined. Change is the only constant, and the best advice I can give is to go with the flow. I’ve ended up in cities far from where I planned to be, and it’s all worked out for the best.
3. You appreciate the people around you more. Those friends, family, and loved ones you sometimes take for granted? Yeah, cherish them. Call them, visit them, tell them how much they mean to you. I’ve lost too many people in the last decade, and it hurts. There’s no easy solution for dealing with loss, but while we’re all here, let’s connect, spend time together, and not take things too seriously.
4. Your favorite things become vintage. This one’s an ego-bruiser. Shrek is 23 years old. Nobody around me remembers Eddie Murphy in Trading Places. The first God of War game came out nineteen years ago. And don’t even get me started on music. The things that were once new become old…and then become new again. It’s a cycle, and we’re all part of it.
5. Nobody has it all figured out. When you’re younger, it seems like some people have life on easy mode. They’re successful, carefree, and have all the answers. But here’s the truth: everyone has worries. Some people are just better at hiding them. So, don’t feel inferior when you’re struggling. To struggle is to be human.
Getting older isn’t always glamorous. There are creaky knees and wrinkles that seem to appear overnight. But it’s a gift. It’s a testament to a life lived, a journey filled with experiences, lessons, and love.
So, if you’re reading this, you’re doing alright. Keep going, keep growing, and keep embracing the ride.