This Is NOT Another “Go Dominate 2025” Post (But It Might Actually Help You Do That)
Come out swinging this year. It’s time to be badass.
Imagine how much easier life would be if there was always someone else to blame.
Can you imagine how cool that would be? Here I am, still haven’t put anything from the course I learnt last year to use — it’s Taiwo’s fault. Blame Taiwo.
Or here I am, new year and all, and I’ve already crashed and burned out of the diet and weight loss lifestyle I had committed to. Do I hate the fact that none of my clothes fit? Absolutely. But can’t you see? It’s Jenny’s fault.
Jenny you monster.
To be honest there are people who have adopted this way of thinking. Nothing is ever their fault; the world is against them and seriously wants them to fail.
I tried thinking that way once, but my internal BS meter is too sensitive to allow me that kind of delusion.
2025 is tough love season. You need it and I need it because we do not have an infinite amount of time. We also do not have infinite opportunities — and the opportunities we miss are being utilised by other people around us. Other people hungrier than us.
You’ve already read a million Go Dominate 2025 posts at this point, so I’m not going to make this another one. I do however want you to know three things. These are important; they can flip this entire year on its head if you buy into it, okay?
Thing Number One:
The soft life isn’t a ridiculous dream, it’s valid. But it is EARNED. You’re going to have to work at it no matter how aesthetic your vision board is or how many influencer stories you buy into. First you plant, then you harvest. Let’s skip the complaining about it and get to working. Or just do what I do and complain while you work anyway. Whatever helps.
Thing Number Two:
You must give yourself permission to quit. Nobody just wakes up and quits on a dream. They listen to advice, they evaluate, they make a decision, they quit. I wrote a post on LinkedIn last month that got a lot of buzz about a 3-month period back in 2018 where the business lost its biggest client and made zero income for 3 months. Up until that time, we had been doing everything right, were well known and had a solid body of work. But the lean period still came and damn near broke me. Eventually, the period passed, and work came in again — but it was amusing to see a comment on my post asking me why I didn’t pivot to something else. A valid question, but that was a 3-month period. Lol, when you run a business, something breaks EVERY 3 months. If I pivoted every time that happened, I would be a very confused chap right now.
Only YOU can give yourself permission to give up on a dream, a goal, anything. So that means you need to work on your resolve. You need to anticipate things not always going to plan. And most of all you need a circle you can draw strength from.
Quitting isn’t always losing, but there’s a reason it takes 9 months to have a baby, not 9 weeks.
Thing Number Three:
Totally obliterate the thought that everyone else is doing better than you.
Listen to me — everyone else is fighting for their survival.
There is no contest. People fight in private and celebrate in public. Never allow undue pressure to paralyse you or make you unable to act. I’ve found incredible success from just minding my business and putting one foot in front of the other. I finished school late, what with strikes elongating my stay in school and choosing a 5-year course that required Law School BEFORE NYSC BEFORE I could join the job market. Most of my contemporaries were well established in their various places of work by the time I got my first gig.
But time runs differently for everyone. So never worry about anyone but you.
2025 is bursting with opportunity. I need you to believe that, regardless of your current position or how badly 2024 battered you. These 12 months are begging for you to take them and take charge.
But this only works if you understand that the only person responsible for how well you succeed is the person reading this post, right now.
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